
Build and deploy an ML REST API in 5 steps

Aug 11, 2023
Build an deploy an ML REST API

Here is a hands-on FREE tutorial on MLOps that will help you grow as an ML engineer and go beyond notebooks.


Tutorial materials 📚🎬

All the code is open-source and available in this repository
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This is what you will learn

You will learn to

  • train an ML model prototype through careful experimentation, using CometML.

  • deploy the model as a REST API, with Cerebrium.

  • automate safe deployments, using GitHub actions and Comet ML Model Registry [COMING SOON]


Without further ado, let's get to work!


1. Set up your development environment

Learn to

  • quickly bootstrap a project structure

  • manage Python environments and dependencies with Python Poetry

  • organize your code for maximum productivity


2. Generate training data

  • In real-world projects there is no training dataset waiting for you.

  • You need to generate it, starting from raw data, and ending up with clean pairs of (features, target).

This is what you will learn in this lecture.


3. Create a baseline model (without ML!)

  • Before training any ML model you need to estimate a baseline performance, using a simple rule-based model.

  • Simple historical values, or moving averages often work well.


4. Train ML models

  • Building a good ML model is a very experimental process.

  • Integrate your training script with a serverless experiment tracker like CometML so you experiment faster in a more disciplined way.


5. Deploy your model as a Serverless REST API

  • Un-deployed models generate 0 business value.

  • Make your model predictions available by deploying the model as a Serverless REST API using Cerebrium


What’s coming next?

In the following weeks I will release a few more videos, where you will learn how to automate deployments following CI/CD best-practices.

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